luni, 17 septembrie 2007

Jamie Foxx a primit o stea pe Hollywood Walk Of Fame!

Actorul Jamie Foxx, castigator al unui premiu Oscar pentru extraordinara sa prestatie din filmul Ray, a primit cea de-a 2347 stea pe celebrul bulevard american, Hollywood Walk of Fame vineri (14 septmebrie 2007), cu 2 saptamani inainte de premiera noului sau flm, The Kingdom.

El a vorbit despre bunica lui, in discursul de acceptare al premiului :

My grandmother’s gotta be spreading her wings and flying around in heaven, just so happy,” the 39-year-old entertainer quipped to reporters. “

Nu am inteles de ce actorul a fost intrebat si de Britney Spears, de soarta carierei ei. (?!) El a raspuns :

“I think Britneys gonna be fine. I think that she was courageous to get up there and do her thing. I wish her well for that.”

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